Tips For Finding The Best Table Lamp For Philips Hue

Philips Hue White Ambiance Wellness Dimmable LED Smart Table Lamp

The world of colorful hues has entered the home and workplace, breaking open the floodgates for new lighting options. The simple answer is to purchase a lamp that has a white or black lampshade to make the most of hue bulbs.

Yes, that means that the best table lamp for Philips Hue is one that includes a white or black lampshade.

It may go well with the Philips strip lighting as well. Though, for many households, the installation of a kit may not include table lamps or anything that seems like it should have shade.

best table lamp for philips hue

If you are going to be installing the lights more as a hanging feature, say in a built-in light fixture, such as a canister, then consider this. There are glass shades that can be added to hanging lamps.

The Philips Hue lights are also able to be used in table lamps too. Many people opt to install them as a feature across one room or many rooms.

philips table lamp

Again, as far as table lamps are concerned, it is a good idea to use lamps that can hold a lampshade.

That means, it simply has to allow space to attach a shade to the Philips Hue bulbs. Go with white or black, because you want the color of the Hue bulb to be the main attraction, not some mixture with a color-imbued lamp shade.

Hue Light Options

Color Ambiance Signe floor lamp

Because Philips Hue lights are made to work in an interactive home, they have a lot of cool options. For one, they may be used to signal anything that you program. If you want a light to blink when the front door is opened, you can do that. You can signal that a garage is open or closed even.

Whatever you want, you can do. Though, many people have more practical applications in mind. For one, as homes become tinier, people may have to eat, sleep, and study or work in roughly the same space.

That means that there is little natural difference in the space between activities. For many people, it can be hard to shift mental gears from one activity to another if they are not also changing places.

The addition of the Hue lighting system provides that natural change of environment, but through lighting, not through physical changes.

Philips Hue White Ambiance Wellness Dimmable LED Smart Table Lamp

For instance, if you want to enjoy the white natural light say for daytime support, you can do that. Then when it is time to shift gears to study, you can opt for white ambient light.

If it is for reading prior to bed, choosing another light will signify to the brain that it is time to read before bed.

It is a good way to train yourself to shift from one activity to another. And, heck, it is really awesome to play around with the lighting to make your home feels like a high-class hotel or a ritzy restaurant. Or, go back to your college days and make it feel more like a club.


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